Jimmy Minnish
It is time that Americans rise up and demand that our voices not be squelched.
Why can’t our elected leaders in both parties, and in state and federal offices sign a Declaration of Disparity to Biden listing the many actions he has taken to destroy America; to reverse President Trumps achievements; and to cause upheaval in the world.
A Declaration of Patriot Unity and Biden Administration Disparity to demand a Reversal of his destructive policies and Executive Actions by any and all lawful means.
This Declaration would mirror the Constitution Declaration that put King George on notice in that King George III was guilty of repeated injuries in legislation, judicial rule, military, and protection due the Colonist of the thirteenth original Colonies; so noted in the List of (27) Grievances.
Such an action is currently due to cause many changes back to normal, and restore Americas economy and our seat of power in the world.
No excuses, no quarter. I don’t care if it’s difficult. It is the business of leaders to lead, not to hide or fiddle or pshaw away existential threats like all these while their cities and country burn. If Our elected representatives can’t do difficult things for the sake of a country in peril, they don’t deserve to be in office.
In retrospect, President Biden has committed acts against America which are more treasonous than was the intensions of the King of England against our Founding Fathers. King George failed to judge the pioneer patriots as men who left England to establish a new world with free ideals. Not to be ruled as an uneducated barbaric tribe that he was familiar with being overlord of, as say a colonized island-nation such as some that are still held as British colonies in Africa or South America.
List of Grievances
The list of 27 complaints against King George III constitute the proof of the right to rebellion. Congress cast “the causes which impel them to separation” in universal terms for an international audience. Join our fight, reads the subtext, and you join humankind’s fight against tyranny.
http://oldgraypatriot.com/?p=1546 Actions being taken by the leftist to change and control America.
SECTION l Grievances against Leftist
I noted 24 grievances against the left at the writing of this post on June 23, 2021 and it can be expanded immensely since that date.