There have been riots in many large cities in America that stemmed from a few police ‘bad apples’ who used extreme measures when subduing suspects. Additionally, in one city where Civil War statues were being removed, the president was accused of siding with a small number of KKK members. The presidents words were distorted and rebroadcasted many times for leftist propaganda. This is the biggest lie about President Trump that he is a racists. Here Larry Elder Debunks that lie and the whole Charlottesville charade the left has pushed for several years.
The actual bigots and extremist are what I would call the Brown Shirts of the Democrat Party, specifically ANIFTA and BLM. These groups represent the Fascist and Marxist militant arm of the party. They do the bidding of the far left to ensure their ideology takes over America.
In regard to the so called Insurrection mob riots that happened after the patriot rally on January 6th, there were Agent Provocateurs, or professional riot instigators as shown in this video: Agent Provocateurs
The Trump supporters at the rally numbered 1M with only about 100 who approached the Capitol building and were egged on by Agent Provocateurs. In this video: Trump supporter begs police to stop rioters where a Trump supporter was frustrated with Capitol Police who appear to be Cyborgs with their protective riot gear who obviously had stand-down orders.
And in this video created by the patriot Professor David K. Clements, you will note that the professor demonstrates that there are several other opinions where it is noted that Trump supporters worked hard, at most times harder than police to stop the rioters.
You will also note that Bill O’Reilly has inside information that the leadership of the Democrat Party working the the main stream media devised the narrative that President Trump instigated the riot and they then called it an Insurrection. Note his discovered here: Democrats Coordinated Attack on Trump (Bill O’Reilly)
And also the actual racists are represented by the Fascist and Marxist of the left who are driving radical change in America. To the left the Conservatives, Republicans, and Patriots are the enemy because we hold truth, law and the Constitution as our guide. We are predominately christian, some 45% of us and our numbers grow daily.
Watch the videos below by Dennis Prager and Dr. Voddie Baucham as they describe how the leftist have worked to infiltrate our world with Marxism, from our schools, colleges, universities and our churches, to all areas of our lives.
Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol – Washington Times
DCNF INVESTIGATES: Was Antifa Responsible For The Capitol Riot? | The Daily Caller