Control of civil liberties continue with many schools, small businesses and churches are closed or activities are severely reduced. Additionally, loosely controlled ‘Mail in Ballot’ processes were enacted and millions of dollars went into the training of Democrat precincts. Such changes have limited people on the right to worship or run successful business, and the leftist have used the virus to game the election.
Let’s examine the epidemic and the resulting outcome, and see how the left has used the epidemic as a way to achieve their ends as ‘not letting a good disaster go to waste’.
The virus outbreak has been traced to Wuhan, a city in China. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to closely monitor an outbreak of a 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China that began in December 2019. Information about the outbreak is available on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Wuhan, China web page. Clinical laboratories should maintain awareness of the outbreak and learn about what actions they should take by reviewing the update and interim guidance on the outbreak of 2019-nCoV in Wuhan, China CDC Health Alert Network (HAN). Clinical laboratories should consult with their public health department if they receive a sample from patients with travel histories that include Wuhan City.
The data to be released in July of 2020 is from the CDC and that is the COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate is 0.1 – 0.3% which is right in line with the seasonal flu.
Researchers analyzed on more than 3,600 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 between Feb. 1 and June 17 of 2020, and more than 12,600 hospitalized with the flu between Jan. 1, 2017 and Dec. 31, 2019. The average age of patients in both groups was 69.
The death rate among COVID-19 patients was 18.5%, while it was 5.3% for those with the flu. Those with COVID were nearly five times more likely to die than flu patients, according to the study published online Dec. 15 in the BMJ.
COVID-19 patients with the highest risk of death included those aged 75 and older who also had chronic kidney disease or dementia, and Blacks who were obese, or who had diabetes or kidney disease.
The study also found that COVID-19 patients were four times more likely to require breathing machines, nearly 2.5 times more likely to be admitted to intensive care, and stayed in the hospital an average of three days longer than flu patients.
Therefore, you would think that the CDC guidelnes and the actions taken by the federal and state governments would be to continue wearing masks in public, to keep your 6 foot distance, wash your hands often and do the new normal way of preventing the spread of diseases. These actions will reduce the rate of illness and help prevent the spread of the flu or COVID. In the case of older people and people with illnesses that already have a lower than normal susceptibility to catching a bug, they should exercise more extreme cautions.
In many incidences cities and states have taken extreme cautions that are meant to reduce church attendance, school attendance and the ability for small businesses to operate in a normal fashion. At first this was done to hurt the booming Trump economy. Now it is used to bring people who are Christian, patriots, and non-leftist in line. States such as Florida and Texas have better rates of control than California and New York which are Republican in the south and Democrat on the coasts. With the new Biden administration this over government control continues with stricter mask mandates.
The latest statistic show that there is more physical harm done by preventing a normal way of life than COVID or the flu could possibly have. In that mental health effects during a global pandemic are very important to monitor, especially in children. Although it has been estimated that youth and young adults have the lowest mortality rates from COVID-19, they are not immune to its consequences.
Concerning Mental health and COVID-19, many students across the nation are dealing with sudden changes to their social lives and daily routines, the inability to access education, food insecurity, and some may even experience unsafe (emotional or physical) home environments. These challenges can present feelings of sadness, despair, anxiety and stress, said Dr. Gil Noam, founder and director of The PEAR Institute (Partnerships in Education and Resilience) at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Simone Gold with the truth about COVID-19:
If you would like to Stop Medical Discrimination visit this website:
Prevalence of Depression Symptoms in US Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic