We need to get to the root of the cabal that ran an elaborate multi-staged take over of one of the most critical processes in America: The Federal Election System.
There are as a minimum 8 sub processes that were enacted by the leftist Democrat Cabal with wanton malice and destructive results. We need to understand who led the attack.
1. Fund and install key election officials in key battleground states, to change state election laws and remove the state legislatures from control of the states election process; to thereby upend the states validation of the election results to benefit Democrats only.
These new laws were used to disallow a) voter ID, b) ballot validation, c) hinder 1 person, 1 vote, d) stopped the validation and clean up voter roles due to death, e) moving in out of state, moving from district to district, f) multiple registrations.
And these laws were to enact calculated anomalies as: a) voting machines were not validated and b) voting machines were connected to the internet, ballot count results were uploaded outside of America to foreign databases and manipulated.
2. The controls the leftist Democrats needed to fulling take over the Federal Election Process was the COVID lockdown driving the excuse that everyone needed to be able to vote without coming to the polls, thereby enabling write-in votes and drop boxes. During this time millions of dollars were induced into the Get Out the Vote initiative by FaceBook owner Zuckerberg for Democrats only. The money went to training mules, Poll workers, volunteers, ballot loaders, and counters. The money also went to purchase thousands of drop boxes which were predominantly placed in Democrats precincts, and to pay democrat non-profits to bulrush the process.

3. Voting machines were programmed to devalue President Trumps vote and add value to Biden’s vote. This involved an algorithm that was manipulated by state and county. These machines again were connected to the internet and ballot databases were shared within and outside of America.
4. Millions of dollars were induced during election night the vote counting abruptly stopped in the battleground states. This halt was due to the fact that the system was overwhelmed by President Trump voted; whereas Trump was winning even with all of the influx of illegal voted. Then the call went out as to the number of votes needed over night for Biden. At that time all stops were pulled and some 10M votes were added by bulk. Based on the movie 2000 Mules, the True the Vote group asserted 380,000 fraudulent votes were cast in the 2020 Election. True the Vote’s data claims illegal ballot trafficking materially swung Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania all for President Joe Biden. Without these votes, True the Vote claims former President Donald Trump would have claimed 279 electoral votes.
5. Ballots were printed in bulk and uncontrolled as required. These ballots were filled out in bulk for Biden, and Mules were used to stuff ballot boxes’ and loaded in bulk at polling places.
6. During election night the vote counting abruptly stopped in the battleground states. This halt was due to the fact that the system was overwhelmed by President Trump voted; whereas Trump was winning even with all of the influx of illegal voted. Then the call went out as to the number of votes needed over night for Biden. At that time all stops were pulled and some 10M votes were added by bulk.
7. Poll watchers were kept from viewing and validation of ballot counts.
8. Poll counting volunteers loaded ballots multiple times for Democrats.

Here’s the proof:
The Truth and Whole Truth ~ Trump Fights Deep State Cabal
The Largest Crime in the History is America ~ The Stealing of US Government Control of Our Critical Election System via Cyber Warfare http://OldgrayPatriot.com/?p=1180
It is time that Americans to rise up and demand that our voices not be squelched.
Why can’t our elected leaders in both parties, and in state and federal offices sign a Declaration of Disparity to Biden listing the many actions he has taken to destroy America; to reverse President Trumps achievements; and to cause upheaval in the world.
A Declaration of Patriot Unity and Biden Administration Disparity to demand a Reversal of his destructive policies and Executive Actions by any and all lawful means.
Deconstructing the Deep State
The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election – as told by the leftist Time Mag
We know some of the big money people, but who orchestrated the steal? And, why did Bernie Sanders go on The Tonight Show on October 23, 2020 and forecast the plan? Was that the kick off notice for cabal participants?
Video of Bernie Sanders Kick-Off of the Cabal on The Tonight Show