We need to get to the root of the cabal that ran an elaborate multi-staged take over of one of the most critical processes in America: The Federal Election System. There are as a minimum 8 sub processes that were enacted by the leftist Democrat Cabal with wanton malice and destructive results. We need to…
From POLITIFACT: The faulty premise of the ‘2,000 mules’ trailer about voting by mail in the 2020 election
Jimmy IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT – brief from POLITIFACT https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/04/faulty-premise-2000-mules-trailer-about-voting-mai/ The 2020 presidential election was secure and evidence from state and federal officials and courts shows no indication of widespread fraud. While authorities identified isolated cases of voter fraud, these instances were in such small numbers it would not have changed the election’s outcome. Response:…
The Truth and Whole Truth ~ Trump Fights Deep State Cabal
Jimmy Minnish Let me add to the premiere of 2000 Mules something. There are several people including Dinesh D’Souza who have worked hard to assure Americans have the information to formulate the knowledge that the 2020 election was stolen by a cabal. That same cabal probably work the entire Trump Presidency from 2015 to try…
What Would Our Founders Do?
Jimmy Minnish It is time that Americans rise up and demand that our voices not be squelched. Why can’t our elected leaders in both parties, and in state and federal offices sign a Declaration of Disparity to Biden listing the many actions he has taken to destroy America; to reverse President Trumps achievements; and to…
What A Competent Republican Party Would Be Doing About Democrats’ Tyranny
Here are some ideas of what Republicans could do if they actually wanted to motivate voters to show up for them at the polls ever again after Lucy-with-the-footballing us for decades. By Joy PullmannSEPTEMBER 16, 2021 The uproar over Joe Biden’s pressure on more Americans to take experimental COVID protection shots is not entirely about the shots…
Six Frightening Absurdities Of Biden’s “Vaccine” Mandate
I add my Seventh Frightening Absurdity: As a parent of small children, I home school them to learn to follow the scientific theory. Science as well as the American Constitution guide me to do everything in my power to protect my children, and that includes me not making decisions that put them or their parent(s)…
The real “lab-leak” story: nanotech crimes and betrayals in the New World Order
“Scientists from the US and China are blowing each other kisses, as they collaborate on developing a technology that has the potential to gain intimate control over the human brain itself.” By Jon Rappoport ——Bio and Archives—September 17, 2021 Cover Story | 0 Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us 9Shares From lexico[dot]com: nanotechnology: “The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and…
Because They Are Evil
By Andrew W. Coy There are a great many things coming from Biden, Fauci, the CDC, the State Department, the military, the Justice Department, and basically the Deep State that make no sense. From Biden and the Deep State, we are getting executive orders, mandates, guidelines, decisions, policies, and edicts that just do not make any…
If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention
TERRORISM By Joy Pullmann AUGUST 2, 2021 It’s not only reasonable but required to ask at the outset of leftists’ 1/6 “Truth Commission”: How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters “storming the capitol” was a setup? BuzzFeed recently revealed the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” was instigated and coordinated by FBI informants who collected a handful of…
Scientists Urge Supreme Court To Uphold Abortion Ban
Patrick Hauf • July 30, 2021 2:10 pm SHARE A group of scientists is urging the Supreme Court to uphold a crucial abortion restriction, arguing that previous legal decisions contradict modern understandings of fetal development. The 15-week abortion ban in Mississippi is not only constitutional but also better aligns state policy with scientific realities, according to…